Page 6 - Statement of Qualifications
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                             Wind and Renewable Energy Studies

                              The growth of solar, wind and battery renewable energy sources has been brisk the
                              last few years and is likely to continue its high penetration of both small- and large-
                               scale projects. We analyze the integration of these resources onto both transmission
                               and distribution systems through interconnection studies or fatal flaw assessments.
                                We have analyzed interconnections of small and large resources, performed siting
                                 and interconnection studies and most recently performed studies for emerging
                                 technologies. In addition, we perform congestion analyses to study moving large
                                  quantities of renewable energy over long distances.
                                   Software Applications: RLC Engineering personnel are proficient, competent
                                   and knowledgeable users of ASPEN, CYME, EasyPower, PSCAD/ATP, PSLF,
                                    PSS/E, SKM Power Tools, Synergi, TARA, as well as our own developed and
                                    specialized programs.

                                      RLC has performed hundreds of distribution system studies for utilities
                                       throughout the Northeast, with a wide breadth of industry software
                                       knowledge including CYME, PSCAD, Synergi, SKM, WindMil, ASPEN
                                        OneLiner, PSS/E, SKM, TARA, EasyPower and Arc Pro.

                                         A large portion of these have been interconnection projects ranging
                                         from 250 kW to 35 MW. Our engineers are experienced with Smart
                                          Inverter Technology and leveraging DER inverter capabilities to assist
                                           in mitigating interconnection impacts. RLC is experienced with steady-
                                           state (thermal, voltage, reactive power), short-circuit (fault contribution,
                                            effective grounding), protection (protective reach, coordination),
                                            time-series (IEEE1453/1547-2018 flicker), Volt/VAR inverter setting
                                             design, Coefficient of Grounding (COG), and Risk of Islanding (ROI)
                                             and Temporary Overvoltage (TOV) screenings. Where ROI and TOV
                                              screenings indicate the need for time-domain analyses, PSCAD
                                               studies are performed to ensure system reliability while avoiding
                                               unnecessary upgrade costs.
                                                In addition, RLC distribution system studies engineers performed
                                                 Python characterization and modeling of Switched Source’s Tie
                                                 Controller and Phase Equalizer power electronics devices in
                                                  CYME, hosting capacity analyses for Maryland utilities, arc hazard
                                                  analyses per NFPA 70E, subtransmission analyses for ISO-NE
                                                   approval, functional testing of manufacturer PSCAD inverter
                                                    models, and PSCAD-to-PSS/E model benchmarking according
                                                    to ISO-NE Planning Procedure No. 5-6.
                                                     RLC has also provided interconnection program management
                                                      services for Western Massachusetts.

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